Revenue RX hosts Robert Dalton Exec. Dir. (OAC) Part #2.

Welcome back to Revenue RX Optical Retails Win's and Part 2 with Mr. Robert Dalton the Executive Director of the OAC - The Opticians Association of Canada. Today we continue to drill down on the commercial aspect of the Optical Retail business and the important role the Optician plays it it success. Robert continues to offer his thoughts and recommendations on on a number of relevant topics and delivers actionable takeaways. Some highlights are inventory management in light of the current tariffs, the continued online competition, regulatory challenges, and the future of the profession.
(00:00) Ethical concerns when selling
(03:45) Upselling requires product knowledge
(06:45) Conversion Rate
(09:00) Customer care salesmanship
(12:45) Building trust through education
(13:20) Inventory management in regard to tariffs
(17:30) The Value of OAC Membership
(19:27) Online competition challenged by an emotional customer experience
(27:15) Regulatory changes...staying informed
(33:31) Liability insurance
(38:15) Future Trends and being tech savvy
(40:30) The integration of hearing services
(43:10). A profession of opportunity !
(44:00). Reaching out to the OAC
REVENUE RX is a winning prescription for optical store owners, where the focus is on making more money!” We uncover new ideas and useful insights as we explore OPTICAL STORE WINS! The podcast is for eye care professionals (ECP) who want to grow and build their business but don’t know where to start, have run out of ideas & don’t have the time. I encourage you to visit my website and leave me an email or questions regarding this episode or any other episode. Don't forget to subscribe!
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