I was out riding my bike this morning and it came to me that I wanted to further clarify exactly what takes place when a Patient transitions into a Customer, in the Optical Business. The representation of the Chameleon is significant here. Just as the Chameleon goes though a transition as it adapts to its environment but till remains a Chameleon, so does the Patient transition into a Customer in the dispensary, but till remains a Patient.
I was asked recently, does the customer after receiving an eye-examination, of which now becomes a patient of the Optometrists, stay as a patient always? Are they teated as a patient as they are handed off to the dispensary floor? The answer is Yes. They still are a patient and as a patient the script will be handled in the best interests of that patient, and will be serviced accordingly, in the same manner as that of the OD's care and attention provided in the examination room.
HOWEVER, from the customers perspective as they are now... shopping.... for a frame, it is not whether they will see better that matters, but the Image they have in their mind of how the will look or appear in a new frame, that is important to them. They went into the examination room and came out a patient, but entered the dispensary and transitioned into a Customer with the anticipation of an emotional experience as they choose a suitable image. They are still a patient, but like the Chameleon, have transitioned into a Customer as they adapt to a new environment, where Image is paramount.
The OD took care of their vision needs, it is now the image they want, that takes president.
It is important to be aware of this transition. As a Customer they will be measuring their buying experience; which will have a lasting impression on any return visit in the future. Their need to be satisfied emotionally will always prevail.
They will always be the Optometrists patient, BUT are now the Stores Customer.