April 16, 2024


Just do it…these words seem simple enough, BUT what is really behind the deep rooted meaning of such a simple statement.

What on earth prevents us from just doing something, or anything for that matter?

As human beings in a world that bombards us daily with more failures than successes, it is no wonder that we see things in a negative manner. A glass half empty for example.

BUT there is something much deeper both consciously and un-consciously that allows us the ability to succeed.

That something is referred to as the “theory of non-consideration”.

This is the conscious part.

Never heard of it before. Well, this theory deals in essence with examining a situation that you are considering doing and instead of looking at all the things that might go wrong……. you don’t consider any of them and “just do it”.

I know, you’re thinking that is reckless, and you would be doomed to fail because you did not plan for each potential roadblock, right.

No, it is that very nature that you considered these roadblocks that created them in the first place. Your consideration of what might go wrong created the very situation that prevents you from moving forward with your thought or action.

Do not consider what will go wrong, “Just do It”! AND you will find that the challenges that you would have considered do not appear because you did not consider them nor create them. They will never show their face or if they do you moved past them as if they did not exist by the sheer momentum of positive attitude and positive actions focused on the task at hand moving towards your result.

Now, here is the biggie…let’s take this one step further shall we. Ready!

This is the sub-conscious part.

The “Theory of non-consideration of non-consideration!” What’s that? Listen and follow closely; if you consciously consider not to consider anything you are considering!

The only way you are to achieve real success and reach your goal, is to reach the state of not even considering to not consider the negatives. In other words… JUST DO IT.

So, at the end of the day, you clear your head of any thoughts of failure or Murphy’s Law of “what can go wrong, will go wrong”, never even going there consciously, by embracing the unbridled non-considered catalyst… JUST DO IT!