June 5, 2024

INNOVATION: It's simply doing new things!

The first step in the business development process is innovation. INNOVATION is not a onetime event…..it is a continued process of renewal and re-invention. Innovation is simply trying new things.

In a Future of Jobs report, the World Economic Forum listed creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving as the three most important skills needed to succeed in the workplace.

Creativity might feel like a talent that only some people are gifted with, but the reality is that anyone can become more creative. 

AND THAT’s WHY you don’t have to look any further than yourself to initiate and activate any new idea. It is just sitting there waiting for you to reach in and pull it out. 

We are all capable of tapping into our innate ability to discover and innovate IF we choose to take the time and really look…

There is a famous quote “ there is nothing new under the sun”. In other words there is nothing truly novel…. Every new idea has some sort of precedent or echo from the past.

The best and brightest ideas occur in times of stress and chaos. They were born out of necessity. The essence of entrepreneurship does its best work under stress.

Everyone has ideas…. Not everyone makes them happen….execution is what separates them from common pipe dreams …….AND a bit of WORK…. Unfortunately human beings are inherently lazy, it is in our nature, our brains are always looking for an easy way to do things.

Contemplating ideas is easy. It is executing them that’s hard.  So to make possibilities happen wanting must be replaced with working 

To turn possibilities into realities, we must reawaken the creative capacity laying dormant within us …. This is where visualization comes in .


Before you even think about implementing new ideas…it is critical that you first find some time and then commit that time to be used to find new ideas for change 

You need the TIME to create the environment where you can discover and understand where and how innovation can take place and seize an opportunity. 

If we want more innovation in the future, we need to foster an open exchange of knowledge and take risks as individuals.

It’s easy to get possessive about ideas. After all, we’ve put so much time and energy into them that we start to see them as parts of ourselves. We try to monopolize our ideas and bar others from tinkering with them.

But this is terrible for innovation! If an idea is shared freely, it will quickly improve – and that’s a situation in which everybody wins. We should want to share our ideas in the hopes that the ideas will be built upon by others.

A good thinker always asks, “Why?”…….This allows us the opportunity to reframe a problem…understand its constraints ……and use the information to find a more innovative solution.

As you get more versed in your innovated process stay weary of the enemy that is perfection. Go ahead and pursue perfection; but with the knowledge and understanding that it is not attainable. BUT in the pursuit of perfection what is achievable is excellence …and that is possible.

Our eyes perceive only a fraction of what’s visible in our surroundings. By intentionally directing your gaze and thoughts, you can uncover previously unseen possibilities  

Walk with your head up and look around and see what opportunities lay right in front of you. Let your imagination go and find the time to think and discover what you might implement that will make a difference.

Like any other skill, you can’t put your creativity on a shelf and expect it to grow. You need to be intentional about fostering it if you want to make it part of how you work.

That doesn’t mean you should spend all your free time pursuing creative projects. You also need a break now and again. Making time for fun and other elements of creativity will get you to a place where creativity isn’t a process, but a natural way of working

The best part of innovating …is getting to repeat the process all over again with a fresh new idea

You're going to have to find more ways to innovate if you're going to grow…. BECAUSE, what got you here today will not get you to were you what to go tomorrow!

Your going to need to discover new ideas, make things happen and find the time to implement those changes.

Start today to open your eyes and look around and discover what is right in front of you and see how you can implement your idea; because..….Innovation is simply doing new things!